Well, we got the router replaced. Although the old one was doing fine for the past several days. Ah well. Noelle is telling me. That I am typing in sentence. Fragments. I don't. Know why she thinks. That.
Let me know what you think of my typing speed. (See sidebar below.) Do you think I should enter a fastest typer contest?
27 March 2008
21 March 2008
Connection issues
Okay, just a quick note. We have been having some very annoying connection issues with our ISP recently. Unfortunately, it is an off and on again issue. The ISP is claiming it is either our modem or router and I'm saying it is their gateway (the thing the modem connects to). In any case, it means we have issues.
So, if you haven't seen a Noelle blog post in 2 or more days, this is part of the reason. The other reason, I think, is because neither of us has been at home for very much this week. At least, that's my excuse.
So, if you haven't seen a Noelle blog post in 2 or more days, this is part of the reason. The other reason, I think, is because neither of us has been at home for very much this week. At least, that's my excuse.
16 March 2008
Good Free Software
Just a quick note for the few visitors to my blog. If you haven't seen it yet, look down the left sidebar and check out my list of "Software every computer should have". Many of these programs will work with Macintosh OS and Linux as well as with Microsoft Windows.
If you have any question about what any of them do, ask me (send me an e-mail if you wish) and I'll let you know. Also, let me know what you think of the list and feel free to echo your sentiments.
If you have any question about what any of them do, ask me (send me an e-mail if you wish) and I'll let you know. Also, let me know what you think of the list and feel free to echo your sentiments.
11 March 2008
A Call for Help
Here's a call for help. If any of you remember the play that the Stake put on 1.5 years ago, I was put in charge of taping and producing the video. Well, I'm sure they probably wanted something simple. The problem is, I can't do something that exercises my creativity like this and keep it simple at the same time.
While I've gotten pretty quick at video editing, it still takes me 1-2 hours to work on a 2.5-4 minute clip. As such, I have about 40% of the clips left to complete. Some are easy as they are 15-30 seconds long. Others are more difficult being 2.5-4 minutes long, having to splice different videos in and making sure the sound lines up properly. I don't want a badly dubbed japanese-style video going out.
So, I need help. If you have any interest in doing some video editing and/or learning a new skill please let me know. I'll even help you with your setup and any computer problems if needed. Thanks!
While I've gotten pretty quick at video editing, it still takes me 1-2 hours to work on a 2.5-4 minute clip. As such, I have about 40% of the clips left to complete. Some are easy as they are 15-30 seconds long. Others are more difficult being 2.5-4 minutes long, having to splice different videos in and making sure the sound lines up properly. I don't want a badly dubbed japanese-style video going out.
So, I need help. If you have any interest in doing some video editing and/or learning a new skill please let me know. I'll even help you with your setup and any computer problems if needed. Thanks!
08 March 2008
Why John McCain is bad for America
As promised here is my list as to why John McCain is bad for America.
1. He is your typical Washington "insider". That is, he pulled every dirty trick, including slander, to win the Republican nomination. It is this reason why I think Romney was trying to win, to clean up Washington. If McCain found it so easy to lie and slander during the campaign, can we trust him in the White House?
2. He is a one trick pony... and a bad one at that. His only strength is the Global War on Terror©®™. And he only gets that because he was a prisoner of war. Not to disparage his service, of which I am thankful, but he came in near last in his academy and he was captured during war.
Being a prisoner of war does not make one a good Commander in Chief. He knows the hardships placed upon prisoners. He may take it easy on prisoners. This would, in turn, pose no threat to those who would threaten freedom both within and without the USA. Already, those in "Gitmo" have it better than the homeless and single parent citizens of the United States. Heck, they may even have it better than the criminals in the US prison system. But, I'm off on a tagent.
3. He does not know economics from the right side of the Republican party. And he does not know the right side of the Republican party (he's tried to push them away and silence them for a long time). Let us just name a few of the bills he has, or has tried, to pass: McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman. This last one supports this point. He wants to raise taxes on gas by $0.50! Not only will that kill the strength of our current economy (and don't let the media fool you, we are in a strong economy!) It is the tax and spend that we've been getting since Clinton took office in 1992 (along with the lies about the economy).
4. Let's get back to McCain's left leanings. He claims he is republican, but let us look at his recent record.
This is a small list, but there are better and more detailed lists to be found elsewhere.
4a. He claims he is the best candidate because he can bring both parties together. I agree that compromise is good... to a point. If you compromise all of your side and allow the other side to have all the advantage, you really haven't compromised at all, you have given up. He would probably compromise the United States of America to the United Mexican States (Mexico). I say he is wishy-washy, and no better than Bill Clinton who based his politics as the "wind listeth," or, rather, as the polls dictates.
5. John McCain seems vindictive and proud. What the United States of America needs now is a HUMBLE president. I believe that George Bush is a humble leader, but his voice, which was already small, was completely drowned by the haters.
I quote this site:
John McCain also showed little regard for Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee. Why Huckabee's delegates in West Virginia ever agreed to McCain's delegates' deal, I'll never know. But I suspect it is religious. Oh, I'm going on a tangent again.
Anyway, McCain certainly has no respect for those who oppose him. Many feel this was George H.W. Bush's problem with Bill Clinton, he didn't respect Clinton and lost. If you don't understand and respect your enemy, you will lose.
He was always telling his opponents supporters to "Shut-up and fall in line." Well, I for one, am not going to shut up and I've yet to fall in line. At this point, when I turn up at the voting center in November, I will likely write in my choice or not vote for any candidate.
Hmm, why is McCain bad for America... I've shown that his one strength, protection against terrorism, is not that strong. I've shown his weakness in the economy. I've described his pride and his liberalism. McCain is BAD for America.
The problem is, his opponent will be even worse. Here is hoping that if Obama wins his nomination; and, forbid, wins the Presidency, he will be too inexperienced to pull of his socialist agenda. But don't underestimate him.
Why is it that the mainstream media pulled so hard for McCain? Is it because they figured the democrat nominee would have an easier time winning? Probably. McCain, though the worst choice for right thinking people will become the Republicans Jimmy Carter. Of all my rantings above, I'd rather have him than a socialist in the White House. Still, on principal, I will likely not vote for John McCain.
*The link to aip.org has some idiotic summary for an introduction to climate change. The quote they use is this:
So, for the past 50 years of studying the climate over the past couple 1000 years (but only accurately for 100-some years), these scientists can accurately claim that the hole in the ozone is caused by humans? Idiots... the above statement even says "it is a slow reading" and "new clues ... not appearing for several years." Several years?! Try several hundred years!
While I want to take care of the planet, and I do my part to keep it clean, I refuse to have others dictate the way I should live... with one exception. And that comes only after humbling myself, repenting, asking God for forgiveness and asking Him what He wants me to do.
1. He is your typical Washington "insider". That is, he pulled every dirty trick, including slander, to win the Republican nomination. It is this reason why I think Romney was trying to win, to clean up Washington. If McCain found it so easy to lie and slander during the campaign, can we trust him in the White House?
2. He is a one trick pony... and a bad one at that. His only strength is the Global War on Terror©®™. And he only gets that because he was a prisoner of war. Not to disparage his service, of which I am thankful, but he came in near last in his academy and he was captured during war.
Being a prisoner of war does not make one a good Commander in Chief. He knows the hardships placed upon prisoners. He may take it easy on prisoners. This would, in turn, pose no threat to those who would threaten freedom both within and without the USA. Already, those in "Gitmo" have it better than the homeless and single parent citizens of the United States. Heck, they may even have it better than the criminals in the US prison system. But, I'm off on a tagent.
3. He does not know economics from the right side of the Republican party. And he does not know the right side of the Republican party (he's tried to push them away and silence them for a long time). Let us just name a few of the bills he has, or has tried, to pass: McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman. This last one supports this point. He wants to raise taxes on gas by $0.50! Not only will that kill the strength of our current economy (and don't let the media fool you, we are in a strong economy!) It is the tax and spend that we've been getting since Clinton took office in 1992 (along with the lies about the economy).
4. Let's get back to McCain's left leanings. He claims he is republican, but let us look at his recent record.
- He asked John Kerry to have him as a running mate. The same left leaning John Kerry of the Democrat party.
- He supported a tax increase on gas in support of the very liberal environmentalists who say we have to worry about global cooling (1970s), er global warming (1980s+), er "climate change"* (2000s). Well, duh, the climate changes. We know this. As a Christian believing nation, we should know this (anyone bother to read their Bibles recently?)
- He voted against Bush's tax cuts. Why? The cuts weren't enough he said. Well, McCain, compromise!! This sounds like a lame excuse. Something a teenager would come up with for not doing something, when the truth would be more embarrassing/hurtful (such as, I support the Democrat party).
- He wants to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens. While my wife has a soft spot for the hispanic people (and I think they have a beautiful culture that mixes well in the United States and makes us a better nation) these people are breaking the law. I have an idea. Let's make it easier for LEGAL immigration. Wow, novel idea.
This is a small list, but there are better and more detailed lists to be found elsewhere.
4a. He claims he is the best candidate because he can bring both parties together. I agree that compromise is good... to a point. If you compromise all of your side and allow the other side to have all the advantage, you really haven't compromised at all, you have given up. He would probably compromise the United States of America to the United Mexican States (Mexico). I say he is wishy-washy, and no better than Bill Clinton who based his politics as the "wind listeth," or, rather, as the polls dictates.
5. John McCain seems vindictive and proud. What the United States of America needs now is a HUMBLE president. I believe that George Bush is a humble leader, but his voice, which was already small, was completely drowned by the haters.
I quote this site:
So why is everyone so quick to predict McCain may leave the GOP? It is likely a combination of two reasons: one, his dislike and/or jealousy of George Bush... (Alexander, 2002)
John McCain also showed little regard for Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee. Why Huckabee's delegates in West Virginia ever agreed to McCain's delegates' deal, I'll never know. But I suspect it is religious. Oh, I'm going on a tangent again.
Anyway, McCain certainly has no respect for those who oppose him. Many feel this was George H.W. Bush's problem with Bill Clinton, he didn't respect Clinton and lost. If you don't understand and respect your enemy, you will lose.
He was always telling his opponents supporters to "Shut-up and fall in line." Well, I for one, am not going to shut up and I've yet to fall in line. At this point, when I turn up at the voting center in November, I will likely write in my choice or not vote for any candidate.
Hmm, why is McCain bad for America... I've shown that his one strength, protection against terrorism, is not that strong. I've shown his weakness in the economy. I've described his pride and his liberalism. McCain is BAD for America.
The problem is, his opponent will be even worse. Here is hoping that if Obama wins his nomination; and, forbid, wins the Presidency, he will be too inexperienced to pull of his socialist agenda. But don't underestimate him.
Why is it that the mainstream media pulled so hard for McCain? Is it because they figured the democrat nominee would have an easier time winning? Probably. McCain, though the worst choice for right thinking people will become the Republicans Jimmy Carter. Of all my rantings above, I'd rather have him than a socialist in the White House. Still, on principal, I will likely not vote for John McCain.
*The link to aip.org has some idiotic summary for an introduction to climate change. The quote they use is this:
"To a patient scientist, the unfolding greenhouse mystery is far more exciting than the plot of the best mystery novel. But it is slow reading, with new clues sometimes not appearing for several years. Impatience increases when one realizes that it is not the fate of some fictional character, but of our planet and species, which hangs in the balance as the great carbon mystery unfolds at a seemingly glacial pace." — D. Schindler
So, for the past 50 years of studying the climate over the past couple 1000 years (but only accurately for 100-some years), these scientists can accurately claim that the hole in the ozone is caused by humans? Idiots... the above statement even says "it is a slow reading" and "new clues ... not appearing for several years." Several years?! Try several hundred years!
While I want to take care of the planet, and I do my part to keep it clean, I refuse to have others dictate the way I should live... with one exception. And that comes only after humbling myself, repenting, asking God for forgiveness and asking Him what He wants me to do.
04 March 2008
Politics - Why Republicans Don't Want Hillary To Win
While Noelle may not want to turn her blog into a political forum, I have no problems doing that here. (Note the title... Machtyn's Errant Ramblings.)
Anyway, this one is titled, "Why Republicans Don't Want Hillary to Win the Democrat Nomination."
With John McCain as the front runner for the Republican party (what a joke!), the citizens of the United States of America are now awaiting the nominee for the Democrat party. Will it be Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton? Neither socialist Democrats are a good choice. However, I think at this point Barak Obama gives John McCain a better chance to win. I will list the reasons below.
1. John McCain has already endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
In 2005, John Mccain said the following, "I have no doubt that Sen. [Hillary] Clinton would make a good president." This statement can be used effectively by Hillary Clinton against John McCain. Granted, if she does, it will be out of context. But when has context prevented the Clintons from stating lies and defamation?
2. Barak has no substance, therefore easier to defeat
3. A lot of people want free stuff and they don't care where they get it. Hillary Clinton is promising free* health care. She glosses over the fact that she wants to raise taxes. Though, there are enough of her supporters that are willing to pay more taxes.
These are a few reasons why I think Republicans really do not want Hillary Clinton to be the Democrat nominee. Okay, so they are pretty weak reasons, but #1 is a pretty important point.
Next time I will post why John McCain is bad for America.
Anyway, this one is titled, "Why Republicans Don't Want Hillary to Win the Democrat Nomination."
With John McCain as the front runner for the Republican party (what a joke!), the citizens of the United States of America are now awaiting the nominee for the Democrat party. Will it be Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton? Neither socialist Democrats are a good choice. However, I think at this point Barak Obama gives John McCain a better chance to win. I will list the reasons below.
1. John McCain has already endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
In 2005, John Mccain said the following, "I have no doubt that Sen. [Hillary] Clinton would make a good president." This statement can be used effectively by Hillary Clinton against John McCain. Granted, if she does, it will be out of context. But when has context prevented the Clintons from stating lies and defamation?
2. Barak has no substance, therefore easier to defeat
3. A lot of people want free stuff and they don't care where they get it. Hillary Clinton is promising free* health care. She glosses over the fact that she wants to raise taxes. Though, there are enough of her supporters that are willing to pay more taxes.
These are a few reasons why I think Republicans really do not want Hillary Clinton to be the Democrat nominee. Okay, so they are pretty weak reasons, but #1 is a pretty important point.
Next time I will post why John McCain is bad for America.
02 March 2008
01 March 2008

Well, I got a car. It's your basic 2004 Honda Civic LX. I did look at a 2005 Honda Civic VP. But that's a no frills car and it was too expensive for such a car (roll up windows, no automatic locks... it did have a CD player). But the car I got had 30,000 less miles, cost about $2000 more, but had everything that should be standard on a car... plus a nice extra feature - remote door lock. It's a gray in color and fairly underpowered compared to my Camry V6... but then, I'll be saving a lot on gas due to the mileage. I'll have a picture tomorrow or soon.
Update: After further review, the template I originally chose, while visually pleasing to me, really messed up the placement of objects (like mail, comments, and link this page links). So, here's a better template. Plus, it was expanded easily. If it's still hard to read... increase your screen resolution to 1024x768 (by going to your Control Panel -> Display -> Settings tab -> Screen Resolution)
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