But now, I've almost used up that last $10.00 today. I think I will get a poster board and write out in big letters:
This car refuses to eat gas at over $3.00/gal while the oil companies make record profits. (No, I'm not a hippie freak. In fact, I'm ticked I have to choose between a democrat and a socialist for president of the US.)
and post that on my car out in front of the gas station where my car will likely die and I will have to walk to work.
On a similar note, I'm going to be looking for a new car this weekend. Any suggestions on a highly gas efficient car that cost less the $10,000? Because the second thing I hate is debt.
Subaru. Good luck on the car hunt. If you need even more advice, you could call the "Car Talk" guys.
I think you should hold out a couple of months and buy my car... I really like that idea!!
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